h1 tag meaning | website design in kathmandu |.........

The "h1" tag is an HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) element used to define the top-level heading on a web page. The "h" stands for "heading," and the number following it indicates the level of importance and hierarchy of the heading, with "h1" being the highest level.

The main purpose of the "h1" tag is to provide a clear and descriptive title for the content of a web page. Search engines and web browsers often use the text within the "h1" tag to understand the main topic or subject of the page. It also helps users quickly identify the main heading and understand the overall structure of the page.

In terms of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), search engines generally give more weight to the text within the "h1" tag compared to other headings or regular text on the page. It is recommended to have only one "h1" tag per page, and it should accurately reflect the main topic or purpose of the page.

Here's an example of how the "h1" tag is used in HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Example Page</title>
  <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
  <p>This is some content on the page.</p>

In the example above, the text "Welcome to My Website" is enclosed within the "h1" tags, indicating that it is the main heading of the page.